General data | Edit |
Sun | Sunrise at 07:18 and sunset at 16:28 (UTC) |
Coordinates (lat/lng | UTM) | 42.095, 2.444 |
UTM coordinates | 31T 4660492, 454015 |
Elevation | 589 |
Municipality | la Vall d'en Bas |
Habitat | Oak forest |
Typology | Punctual |
Description | Basant-nos en la capa d'hàbitats és roureda però un cop al punt hi havia un tram (a la cara més humida) del camí que hi havia molt faig. Els roures eren al punt 1 i passat el punt 5. |
Sessions | 1 |
Species and sonotypes | 5 |
Pictures | 5 |
Atlas of mammals of Catalonia | No |
Each bar represents the average of counts (or bat passes) detected per night in each sampling point. A bat pass is defined as a recording of a maximum of 5 seconds with a minimum of 2 bat calls identified to species level or as a phonic group. Through the menu, it is possible to visualize the average of total bat activity (including all bat species) or the total count for each species.The bar colours correspond to each season.
Summary of average bat activity for each bat species or phonic group on the sampling locality. The bars indicate the average of contacts (or bat passes) detected per night, including all samplings carried out within the year.
Species / Sonotype | Passes / night |
Pipistrellus pipistrellus | 10.0 |
Eptesicus / Nyctalus / Vespertilio | 8.0 |
Pipistrellus pygmaeus / Miniopterus sp. | 3.0 |
Pipistrellus kuhlii / P. nathusii | 2.0 |
Myotis 50 | 1.0 |